Monday, 14 November 2011

New school year, new pupils , new projects

So it´s time for us to go on and to start new projects so... HERE WE GO!! The first one... Greek friends to share experiences... are you ready???

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Peter Pan no quería crecer,quería ser siempre niño... a mi también me gustaría que no crecieseis, para teneros siempre aquí...
Que campanilla os cuide... y os guarde

Espero que no sea un "adiós" , sino un "hasta pronto"

Se van mis chic@s  de 6º. Este cole no será el mismo sin vosotros, al menos para mi. Habéis sido un grupo muy especial y lo sabeis. Siempre estaréis en este cole ...y en mi corazón.
Os deseo lo mejor del mundo en vuestra nueva aventura. Sed felices, disfrutad de la vida, pero con responsabilidad y educación. Demostrad al mundo lo que valeis y lo que habéis aprendido aquí.
Mucha suerte!!!
Os quiero.

Friday, 3 June 2011

BARCELONA!!!! here we go

Next week we are going to Barcelona. We will visit our friends there...are you ready??

Monday, 9 May 2011

Thanks you all for your kindness and love last friday. I will miss you all so much next course...........

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Friday, 15 April 2011


I hope to be back after easter so... be ready!!!
Enjoy your holidays so much

Wednesday, 30 March 2011


Thank you all for your warm welcome and your words of encouragement. I also miss you so much and really hope to come back after Easter.
Kisses for you all and don´t forget to practise a lot.

Friday, 18 February 2011

Hi children . Come on. Write something . I´m almost the only one writing here and this is OUR blog , so you all must get involved.
Come on.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011


By the way... someone has told you have done a wonderful work with the play this morning. CONGRATULATIONS. Keep on working hard.
Still missing you

Hola chic@s!! Seguid trabajando mucho. Tenéis aquí la canción y quiero que en breve la canteis vosotros solos, así que... practicad mucho. La letra la tenéis, pero os la cuelgo aquí de todos modos.

I sit and wait 
does an angel contemplate my fate 
and do they know 
the places where we go 
when we´re grey and old 
´cos I´ve been told 
that salvation lets their wings unfold 
so when I’m lying in my bed 
thoughts running through my head 
and I feel that love is dead 
I’m loving angels instead 

and through it all she offers me protection 
a lot of love and affection 
whether I’m right or wrong 
and down the waterfall 
wherever it may take me 
I know that life wont break me 
when I come to call she wont forsake me 
I’m loving angels instead 

when I’m feeling weak 
and my pain walks down a one way street 
I look above 
and I know ill always be blessed with love 
and as the feeling grows 
she breathes flesh to my bones 
and when love is dead 
I’m loving angels instead 

and through it all she offers me protection 
a lot of love and affection 
whether I’m right or wrong 
and down the waterfall 
wherever it may take me 
I know that life wont break me 
when I come to call she wont forsake me 
I’m loving angels instead 

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Angels, by Robbie Williams

Here you have a wonderful song and I hope you like as much as I do.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011