Saturday, 7 December 2013

Decorating San Marcos´ Christmas tree!!!!!!!!!!!

As you can see... this year we have been decorating the Christmas tree. Gloria and Ana helped but we worked more than anybody else. 
Do you like it???
This is our first year at Primary School but... we come with lots of energy!!

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Talking about our projects

Last Friday we have been talking about our Roman cities... We have lighthouses, theatres, anphitheatres, markets, public baths... We have learnt a lot about Roman life!

Friday, 29 November 2013

Dinosaur, dinosaur move your body!!

The children of first grade have done a great performance in English!! This was a story about Dinosaurs and love between mums and babies... CONGRATULATIONS!! It was fantastic.

Friday, 22 November 2013

HAHAHAHA!! Look at our Ferdinands

Here we are, with our wonderful performing of the story in our Class books... It was really funny!!

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

We have been learning about 
the museums in Coruña, in English!!!

We have been learning about primary
 and here you have our projets.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Learning about the past !

We are learning about the past and discovering the importance of the museums. It is very interesting and we are enjoying. We have also looked for different British Museums and the things we can find in them.  ;) 

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Our new friend !!!

We have been given this so beautiful present!!! Wonderful, isn´t it?? He is going to be our new friend in the English class  and we are really lucky because he is going to look after us! Now we have to think of a good name for him. We´ll think about that and... we´ll tell you when we have decided. ;) 

One more year Christopher is with us !!!

we have been working wiht Chris!! He is teaching us to draw witches and owls. We are getting ready for Halloween!!

we really love this experience!!! we are really lucky because he is here. Thanks Chris!

Thursday, 26 September 2013


We have been drawing in English for the Autumn poster.
Traballamos na clase de plástica en inglés facendo cousas para o mural de outono.
We are learning English and Galician language.
Quen dixo medo?? Castelán, galego, ou inglés....dámoslle a todo!! 

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

September 2013 

Ya estamos aquí otra vez. Nuevo curso, nuevos libros, nuevos profesores, nuevos compañeros... pero las mismas ganas de aprender y disfrutar a través del Inglés.
Este curso 2013-2014 se impartirá la asignatura de plástica en inglés en todos los cursos de primaria. SOMOS PLURILINGÜES, y lo somos porque disfrutamos con este idioma y nos sentimos parte de él .
Queremos y podemos ser parte importante del planeta, queremos darnos a conocer y llevar Abegondo allá a donde quiera llegar.
Estamos aquí, estaremos aquí y contamos con todos vosotros.

Imos aló!!!!!!!!!!!
There we go!!!!!!

Are you ready???

Monday, 22 April 2013

Robbie Williams is here to help you with your English!! LISTEN, SING, AND ENJOY!!

Friday, 25 January 2013

A new song for you to practise. It is a song by Green Day and they wrote it as a tribute to Amy Winehouse. I really hope you enjoy it.

Thursday, 17 January 2013