Wednesday 17 October 2012

Trying to answer!!!

Hello everybody
I have seen all your comments and all your questions!! My goodness!! I'll try to solve all your doubts
-NYC: It's the most amazing city you can imagine. No problem with dancing in the streets since it was Sunday morning al Wall Street so there was nobody there. As far as the bull.. .don't worry , I was thinking of our crisis and rubbing it energically to get money for all of us!!
The statue of liberty... I haven't got there, just the trip on the boat by the bay !!
-Toronto : It's also a very beautiful city, in fact it is quite similar to NYC but quite smaller, so... a kind of decaf NY!! but great anyway and full of life since there are many students, in fact it is the biggest city in Canada.
-Thousand Islands: It was REALLY COLD!!! indeed, but it was sunny so you needed the sunglasses just to protect your eyes from the wind and the sun. We couldn't visit any ot those beautiful houses since they are private properties, you know, they belong to really "poor" people.
-Niagara Falls: They are really amazing!! The first impression was a kind of WAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW , besides ,the first sight we had of them was from above, when we were going up the tower in a cristal elevator so , when they suddenly appeared in front of us... we couldn't believe such beauty was in front of us. I will show more pictures when I got them where you can see they quite near since we went on a boat and got completely wet for we were too close. It was really great!!
-The school : Well, of course, they CAN'T speak Spanish , so I have to speak English with them  all the time, there's no other way. My contact teacher is teaching to 4 and 5 years old children so that is my "headquarter" but then I visit many different classes because there are teachers who want me to go there to tell the students things about me. So I am teaching them many things about Spain and Galicia, showing them our way of life, some of our traditions, our food, our folclore... so they really enjoy the thing.
The black man you see in the picture is not my bodyguard...(undortunately... hahahah) He is a student of something related to social helper and they have to do some training at schools to see how teachers work with children and learn how to help them. That was a class of 5th grade. I've also been to one of 2nd and 3rd in French, (inmersion class where they are taught completely in French and get only forty daily minutes in English)
I will also show you some pictures of the job the little children of my contact teacher did yesterday about Spain and Galicia. I even told them the story of Garbancito (do you remember the tale? when he is eaten by a cow?) and it was great. They learnt in Spanish the song (pachin, pachin, pachin, mucho cuidado....) and sang with me. They couldn't close their eyes, they were paying so much attention
-Differences at school: YES, lots of them. The first thing is that they don't have textbooks at any level ,they only work with projects and have to develop a different one each week. I'll also show you some pictures of the classes and the schedules for everyday , so that you can figure out. I hope not to forget because I have to do it when I get home, where I have the pictures, now , I'm at school
So... Hope I haven't forgotten anything!!! 
Thanks a lot for being there and KISSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Class 6B

They hope the bull helps them out with the crisis.
They would love to be there with you and miss you.
They say you forgot to mention their presents
"Tell her not forget about our presents, because we wont" lol